Doctor Who was created in 1963 by SYDNEY NEWMAN while in the role of Head of Drama at the BBC. Under the Producer VERITY LAMBERT and starring WILLIAM HARTNELL the show became an instant success, with the mysterious, courageous Doctor fighting off all manner of threats from alien worlds.

The show introduced the unique idea that the Doctor, being of alien origin himself, could regenerate into a new persona (and actor) when Hartnell became too ill to continue. PATRICK TROUGHTON took over the role in 1966, imbuing the character with a completely different personality. He in turn was succeeded by JON PERTWEE (1969) who handed the baton in 1974to what became probably the best known incarnation of the Doctor, when in 1974 when TOM BAKER took over the role. His flamboyant appearance with the overly long scarf, floppy hat and a fondness for Jelly Babies makes him appear like a bit of a baffoon, or a harmless eccentric. But Baker was able to play the role with an intensity and intelligence which he could reveal when needed.

Classic stories include, ‘The Ark in Space’,’The Seeds of Death’, ‘The Pyramids of Mars’. ‘The Robots of Death’, ‘The Brain of Morbius’. ‘City of Death’ and the best Doctor Who story ever; ‘The Genesis of the Daleks’.