From the 1951 George Pal production ‘When Worlds Collide’ based on the novel by Edwin Balmer and Philip Wylie.

The story concerns the discovery of a new planet called Zyra and its sun Bellus which are on an orbital path that will pass right through the Earth! A group of independent businessmen and technicians work around the clock to build an Ark to carry a handful of hand picked survivors away with the hope of making a new life on Zyra. It is all surprisingly convincing, and throughout the film we see the progress on construction of the Ark. The base has a giant sign the main work area that reads ‘waste anything but time’ which is chiiling.

The Ark is a glorious piece of 1950s rocketry. design, but the celebrated rocket and science fiction artist Chesley Bonestall. The visual effects for the film were under the supervision of the great Gordon Jennings and the climactic launching is thrilling.

Designed by Chesley Bonestall