BATAVIA QUEEN from the film ‘KRAKATOA - EAST OF JAVA (1969) directed by Bernard L Kowalski
The film ‘Krakatoa East of Java’ is a lavish production, co produced by CINERAMA in 1969. It was nominated for Best Visual Effects - the model work is superb. The film is equal parts adventure, thriller, melodrama and disaster film with a sprinkling of Jules Verne-esque adventure. The action is centred on board the ‘Batavia Queen’ a 1900s era steam ship. Production Designer and Visual Effects supervisor Eugene Lourie obtained a real ship, that was customized with added sails, figurehead and enlarged funnel.It looks great on screen. In the film it carries on board a diving bell and a hot air balloon. A 20 foot long model was used in many scenes featuring the eruption of Krakatoa and ensuing storm.
This fantasy ‘what if’ artwork imagines a kit from MPC. Although specialising in car kits, they did venture into fantasy and sci fi in the 1960s - they did a handful of kits inspired by the incredible ‘Pirates of the Carribean’ ride at Disneyland.
Also the USS Cygnus from Disney’s The Black Hole was kitted by MPC in the 1970s, and Maximillian Shell plays the captain of the ‘Batavia Queen’ and the Cygnus’ .
Production Designer EUGENE LOURIE
Link to video ‘What If #11